The Diplomat

January 2024

What's in a name?

January 2024

Why Diplomatic Solutions Armory? Some would find the application of the adjective "Diplomatic" to a business dealing in weaponry to be ironic or contradictory, but we maintain that the name fits better than first glance. Our founder came up with the name after being trained as a Law Enforcement Crisis and Hostage Negotiator. Diplomacy is the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way. Balance is crucial to success, and the olive branch of peace balances the scales against the weight of a blade, bullet, or bludgeon. 

The members of Diplomatic Solutions Armory are pretty proud of the fact that we've managed to make it through a number of violent encounters and heard quite a few shots fired in anger but through grace and skill we have usually managed to bring about peaceful resolution without bloodshed. With the combined experience of decades in professions of arms, our members recognize that taking a life is sometimes a necessary thing but it is still an awful thing. Violence can not be embraced as a casual resolution to conflict that is dispensed with a Bond-esque action movie one liner. 

People who approach it with a cavalier attitude are either sociopathic in their tendencies, lacking empathy through conditioning or by disorder, or they are simply very ignorant. Many young soldiers who have never had to un-alive another human being from existence, act as though killing in combat is inconsequential, or just as damningly, they romanticize the experience as being some sort of right of passage. As General Patton said, “Many soldiers are led to faulty ideas of war by knowing too much about too little.”

The reality is that it is much better all around, and much more rewarding to avoid taking a life or harming someone than it is to resolve a problem through force. Many times we've managed to talk to people who were experiencing the worst day of their lives, and get them to choose a peaceful resolution. And that makes us much more proud than notches in our gun grips. At Diplomatic Solutions Armory LLC we encourage de-escalation of hostility. We encourage problem solving. We encourage peace. Violence is very rarely the correct answer. 

Except for when it is. When faced with a predatory individual who will not be deterred by reason, morality, or all possible diplomacy, you have to be prepared. When that time comes, we answer violence with superior, surgical violence and we make the decision to be violent enough, early enough in the confrontation, to win decisively, neutralize the threat, and solve the problem. 

At Diplomatic Solutions Armory, our objective is to equip you with the tools to do just that.