Special for CWP Class Attendees 


*Diplomatic Solutions Armory LLC is a privately owned company and is not owned, affiliated with, or endorsed by any public or private entity which is hosting CWP training. A purchase from Diplomatic Solutions Armory LLC in no way is a condition of participation of the CWP Training or should be construed as an ongoing business or professional relationship between Diplomatic Solutions Armory LLC and the organization hosting the training or any of the organization's training in their professional capacity as trainers. 

For those of you who are attending the Concealed Weapons Permit Course hosted in Columbia, SC this week, Diplomatic Solutions Armory has what you need. 

We've got Walker Slim Electronic Ear Muffs in a variety of colors and both .38 Special and 9mm ammunition in stock.

Email us at sales@diplomaticsolutionsarmory.com to reserve your earmuffs and/or ammo while supplies last. 

Electronic Hearing Protection

9mm Target Ammunition for practice.

.38 Special Target Ammunition for practice.