S&W 638 38 SPL 1.875" 5-RD REVOLVER


MSRP: $539

ONLY: $515.99


These are not stock pictures from a distributor or manufacturer, this is the actual firearm you will be purchasing, with pictures done by our in house professional photographer. At Diplomatic Solutions Armory LLC, you can trust that what you see is what you get.

Smith & Wesson J-Frame revolvers have had your back since 1950. These small revolvers were designed to fire a full power round and are as simple and easy to use as they are reliable. The Smith & Wesson J-Frame is the most popular, small-frame, defense revolver on the market. J-Frame revolvers were the go to Detective sidearm for many years and numerous Patrol officers still adorn their ankle with one as a "Backup Gun" or BUG. 

The Model 638 is a variation of the Model 38 Bodyguard Airweight® that integrates the time-tested features of the original with modern advancements. This Bodyguard model is different from others by virtue of its shrouded hammer. The humpback in design is ugly to some but beautiful to others, especially in its utility. The shroud keeps the hammer from snagging during a draw from concealment or clothing, but the hammer can still be cocked for a single action trigger pull if desired, offering increased accuracy for a critical shot that pushes the range of the snub nose gun. 

It was a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard J-Frame Revolver that was used by Brig. Gen. Nguyễn Ngọc Loan of the Republic of Vietnam National Police, to summarily execute Viet Cong Captain Nguyễn Văn Lém during the Tet Offensive in 1968. Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams captured the event in the Pulitzer Prize photo below. Viewer discretion is advised. It is one of the most famous photographs of the 20th century and had a tremendous impact on heightening antiwar sentiment within the United States at the time. Even over 60 years later, it still is emotionally compelling and distressing. The image of a police officer executing a bound captive created tremendous shock and concern stateside about the the war. The decedent, Nguyễn Văn Lém, was accused of having murdered one of Nguyễn Ngọc Loan's peers, Lt Col. Nguyễn Tuân, as well as his wife, six children, and 80-year-old mother. He was said to have been captured moments prior to this incident at a mass grave of 30 civilians. His guilt is contested by others however, and since he was executed, the truth likely died with him. What is known, is that the S&W Bodyguard, like Oswald's Carcano rifle, is one of the guns that made history as we know it. We include this historical footnote, not only because it added to our curiosity and interest into the weapon itself, but because of its gravity. At Diplomatic Solutions Armory we recognize that firearms are potent tools capable of altering lives and even the course of history, and we hope that you will always bear in mind the moral responsibility that comes with use of any weapon you purchase from us.