The Diplomat
April 2024
A rant about Fudd's
April 2024
I'm not a fan of Fudd's.
What is a Fudd you ask? You are unfamiliar? Bless you, and hope that it stays that way.
If you spend too much time at all in the gun community, at the range, the shop, or a gun show, you will inevitably encounter the Great North American Fudd (Fuddicus Senexarma ). Their name is derived from their progenitor, Elmer Fudd, who epitomizes the worst traits of the old school gun owner. Now I'm not an ageist, and I'm not talking about the amicable veteran who like to shoot and teaches others to shoot. Who makes friends across lines of age and culture because he respects other peoples human dignity, even if they are different then him and he embraces the common ground of shooting sports. I myself am a veteran with a fair share of grey hair be-speckling my head myself so believe that's not what I'm saying makes the Fudd so intolerable.
No, I'm talking about the guy who ruins it for everyone else. The gatekeeper who thinks guns are for him and only the kind of guns he cares about are what should be legal. He says he supports the right to bear arms, but really he only means for hunting a Wascawwy Wabbit. He doesn't think anyone actually needs an AR-15, and he really actually only wants old wood stock shotguns to be allowed, and those, only for white landowning men.
He also will talk down to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Since he spent 4 years in the Navy as a cook, during which he never heard a shot fired in anger, he will assert Veteran status as the ultimate trump card in every conversation and make every argument on the basis of that authority. You can identify him on the internet because he mockingly types lIkE tHis and calls every one sNoWflake.
Mrs. Diplomatic Solutions and I recently had a table set up at our local gun show. Fudd's flock to these things and unfortunately they kind of kill the fun sometimes.
They set up tables hawking flea market stun guns and knock off military memorabilia and wear T-shirts that demand you thank them for their service, or that you should follow their waddling frame into battle if something should break bad in the exposition hall.
They make dog-whistle jokes about shooting young minorities in hoodies and suspiciously glare at black folks who come out to the gun show as if they have less of a Second Amendment right then they do.
They sell action figures dressed as Nazi's. Sure GI-Joe has to have someone to kill, but why do you have so much Waffen SS swag grandpa? Why did you cover your table with a swastika flag? Oh, its to honor the American WWII vets who fought the Nazis? By building a masturbatory shrine that would make a Hitler Youth brown shirt jizz his pants? That makes zero f***ing sense. Seems kind of like you just dig some Nazi shit Pop Pop. As you may have guessed. I don't approve of this crap, and I hate seeing it in the gun community. In a museum is one thing, and I'm not the kind of guy who is so terrified of evil that I think we should censor the reality of it, the way Disney went back and de-Nazi-fied the bad guys in Indiana Jones. I feel like hiding the shameful reality of history is counter-productive. But lets cut the crap. This is going beyond a historical collection and wholesale right into fetishizing a genocidal regime. These a**holes are not about promoting a welcoming and inclusive 2A community.
Image courtesy of the Louisville Courier Journal
As the opening meme up top suggests, they also really love to sprinkle a little patronizing misogyny wherever the can. I've taught literally hundreds of women to shoot. And you would not believe how many come to a CWP class with a little pink revolver that they don't even like but it was pushed on them by some Fudd behind the counter who was convinced they could never rack the slide of a semi-automatic handgun because they are a woman.
One of these guys came up to Mrs. Diplomatic Solutions while she was in the middle of selling a Police Trade in Glock 17 to a very nice woman who wanted something reliable and solid for home defense. He rudely interrupted Mrs. Diplomat mid sentence to tell her she was "too pretty to be working out at the gun show."
To be clear, Mrs. Diplomatic Solutions is a baddie, a solid stunner 10, but Grandpa Fudd was not being complimentary. He was being condescending, kind of lecherous, rude, and patronizing. Mrs. Diplomatic Solutions has over ten years in law enforcement. She's a court recognized forensic expert witness and her case work has sent killers to spend the rest of their life behind bars. Before that, as a Corrections Officer, she faced down double-murderers threatening to bludgeon her with a chair with no gun, no taser, nothing but a will to survive and a determination to not let her unit go to chaos just because someone wanted to try the 5'3 blonde. They didn't get their way and neither did grandpa Fudd. Mrs. Diplomatic Solutions raised an eyebrow and asked if she was supposed to be somewhere else, barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen making food instead of running a business. She doesn't need me to fight her battles for her, but please Fudd's, if you're going to be an ass-hat, go wander around the tables with the guy selling cringe T shirts some more.